Perseverance Data

Organized by Emily Lakdawalla

Table of Contents

This is a work in progress -- an attempt to understand the nature of the new Perseverance image data set.

Some explanations available here. More explanation to come.

Original Perseverance image data credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech. Additional credits appropriate to each camera:

Data TK

Table of Contents

Data are downlinked from the Perseverance raw images website on an irregular basis using this python script. My hope is that once I have developed an algorithm for automatically organizing and tagging data, someone will come along and actually code it into a good browse resource. In the meantime, this is a manual process that I am updating a few times a week.

More explainers on cameras and on the metadata used on these pages forthcoming; stay tuned. If this work is useful to you, please consider supporting my Patreon.